刚换的经营商么? 仍是换的sim卡。
If you have issues with Messages after you set up a new device
If you experience issues like conversations in Messages showing up as separate threads or sent messages appearing as green message bubbles instead of blue message bubbles when you set up a new device, update your settings using the following steps:
1. Update your device to the latest version of iOS or iPadOS if needed.
2. In the Settings app, tap Cellular. Make sure that your phone line is turned on. If you use multiple SIMs, make sure that the phone number you want to use is selected and turned on.
3. In the Settings app, tap Messages. Turn iMessage off and then back on.
4. Tap Send & Receive.
5. Tap the phone number that you want to use with Messages.
If you have issues when you try to receive a FaceTime call after you set up a new device, you can also update your FaceTime settings. |