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    周四,他们与澳大拉西亚犹太先生同盟(Australasian Union of Jewish Students,AUJS)的成员对峙,后者呼吁社会勾结。



    在墨尔本举行的旧事发布会上,维州联邦议员Josh Burns说,先生有抗议的根本权益,但他正告澳洲抗议者不要效仿美国。




    抗议活动的组织者之一、大先生Deaglan Goodwin说,这其实不使人不测。






    法律和艺术系先生El Hall说,在活动人士等候校方回应的时期,营地将“无穷期”地保存下去。





    本周早些时分,先生比Beatrice Tucker说,他们过来曾尝试过其他情势的抗议活动,但在校园里缺少吸引力。

    八大团体首席履行官兼董事Vicki Thomson说,虽然抗议活动与美国的事情如出一辙,但她以为两国在实质上是不同的。


    青年部部长Anne Aly说,她对校园里的先生感到不平安感到耽忧,并以为大学应履行其行动原则。


    https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024 ... rael-gaza/103794882


    徐锦江 发表于 2024-5-3 13:48:15

    徐锦江 沙发

    2024-5-3 13:48:15

    天使梦还 发表于 2024-5-3 13:56:01

    天使梦还 板凳

    2024-5-3 13:56:01

    作为一个出身在哈马斯创立者家庭,从小阅历人盾,屡次禁止人体炸弹的人,Jordan Peterson对他专访相对值得转给家里有大先生的孩子看一看。多听听单方的见地,以避免以及年经人头脑一热被人应用了:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5VPFw0vI6U
    hxcandy 发表于 2024-5-3 14:01:06

    hxcandy 地板

    2024-5-3 14:01:06


    冰谷 发表于 2024-5-3 14:13:04

    冰谷 5#

    2024-5-3 14:13:04

    哈马斯指导身家40亿美金!40亿!美金!加后宫佳丽.对哈马而言巴平民只要三种:1.人盾 2.人弹(人体炸弹) 3.人矿-充任国际捐赠人头的韭菜.大少数身兼二三职.以多功用人盾为主。90%以上的国际捐赠与支援是供哈马斯高层享用的。
    jijinene 发表于 2024-5-3 14:17:41

    jijinene 6#

    2024-5-3 14:17:41

    gsl927 发表于 2024-5-3 14:29:16

    gsl927 7#

    2024-5-3 14:29:16

    godlive 发表于 2024-5-3 14:33:13

    godlive 8#

    2024-5-3 14:33:13

    YAYA77 发表于 2024-5-3 14:39:17

    YAYA77 9#

    2024-5-3 14:39:17

    水晶柏拉 发表于 2024-5-3 14:48:36

    水晶柏拉 10#

    2024-5-3 14:48:36

    chwhtz 发表于 2024-5-3 15:02:38

    chwhtz 11#

    2024-5-3 15:02:38

    Free GAZA people From Hamas!
    superlhy 发表于 2024-5-3 15:09:08

    superlhy 12#

    2024-5-3 15:09:08

    咿呀呀 发表于 2024-5-3 15:23:18

    咿呀呀 13#

    2024-5-3 15:23:18

    手动点赞。希望现实本相可以Free them from lies.
    幽幽百合 发表于 2024-5-3 15:29:17

    幽幽百合 14#

    2024-5-3 15:29:17

    xiaokai 发表于 2024-5-3 15:39:22

    xiaokai 15#

    2024-5-3 15:39:22

    媒体实习生 发表于 2024-5-3 15:53:03

    媒体实习生 16#

    2024-5-3 15:53:03

    接上去一周都下雨  还降温

    逐水而居 发表于 2024-5-3 15:56:48

    逐水而居 17#

    2024-5-3 15:56:48

    饭冰冰 发表于 2024-5-3 16:06:04

    饭冰冰 18#

    2024-5-3 16:06:04

    澳洲挂科要缴费重修,能住长时间帐篷抗议都是有钱人家的小孩呀,普通先生哪有空玩这些. 一门5000澳币不是开玩笑的.
    happyrun 发表于 2024-5-3 16:20:36

    happyrun 19#

    2024-5-3 16:20:36

    风铃无语 发表于 2024-5-3 16:32:25

    风铃无语 20#

    2024-5-3 16:32:25

    当前简历要不要写上一笔 在校时期组织抗议活动?
    demon 发表于 2024-5-3 16:42:43

    demon 21#

    2024-5-3 16:42:43

    纽约时报的的文章 不好翻译我不翻了 把原文转过去

    Student Protest Is an Essential Part of Education

    Anyone who was at Columbia University in the spring of 1968 cannot help but see a reprise of those stormy, fateful and thrilling days in what is happening on the Morningside Heights campus today.

    But there is a troubling and significant difference. If the students back in ’68 were divided into rebellious, longhaired pukes and conservative, close-cropped jocks, with a lot of undecided in between, the current protests at Columbia — and at the growing number of other campuses to which they have spread — have witnessed personal and often ugly divisions between Jewish students and Arab or Muslim students or anyone perceived to be on the “wrong” side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    That, in turn, has thrust the protests squarely into the polarized politics of the land, with politicians and pundits on the right portraying the encampments as dangerous manifestations of antisemitism and wokeness and demanding that they be razed — and many university administrations calling in the police to do just that.

    The transformation of the protests into a national political football is perhaps inevitable — everyone up to President Richard Nixon sounded off about students in ’68 — but it is still a shame. Because student protests, even at their most disruptive, are at their core an extension of education by other means, to paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz’s famous definition of war.

    The hallowed notion of a university as a bastion of discourse and learning does not and cannot exclude participation in contemporary debates, which is what students are being prepared to lead. From Vietnam to apartheid to the murder of George Floyd, universities have long been places for open and sometimes fiery debate and inquiry. And whenever universities themselves have been perceived by students to be complicit or wrong in their stances, they have been challenged by their communities of students and teachers. If the university cannot tolerate the heat, it cannot serve its primary mission.

    The counterargument, of course, is that without decorum and calm, the educational process is disrupted, and so it is proper and necessary for administrations to impose order. But disruption is not the only byproduct; protests can also shape and enhance education: a disproportionate number of those who rose up at Columbia in 1968 went into social service of some sort, fired by the idealism and faith in change that underpinned their protests and by the broader social movement of the ’60s.

    I was a first-year graduate student at Columbia in ’68, living in the suburbs and so more of a witness than a participant in events of that spring. But it was impossible not to be swept up in the passions on the campus.

    The catalyst was a protest by Black students over the construction of a gym in Morningside Park, which touched on many Black grievances against the university — the way it was pushing into Black neighborhoods, the gym’s limited access and separate door for area residents, many of them Black. The slogan was “Gym Crow must go.”

    The Black sit-in quickly galvanized students from all the other social and political causes of that turbulent era — a war that was killing scores of American boys and countless Vietnamese every week, racism that just weeks earlier took the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and, yes, a celebration of flower power and love. The gym issue at Columbia was quietly resolved, but by then, other students were occupying several buildings. Finally, Columbia’s president, Grayson Kirk, called in the police.

    I have a snapshot embedded in my memory of groups of students milling about the grounds, which were littered with the debris of the confrontation, many of them proudly sporting bandages from the injuries inflicted by the violent sweep of the Tactical Patrol Force. Psychedelic music blared from some window, and a lone maintenance man pushed a noisy lawn mower over a surviving patch of grass.

    The sit-ins had been ended, and order was being restored, but something frightening and beautiful had been unleashed, a faith that mere students could do something about what’s wrong with the world or at least were right to try.

    The classic account of Columbia ’68, “The Strawberry Statement,” a wry, punchy diary by an undergraduate, James Simon Kunen, who participated in the protests, captures the confused welter of causes, ideals, frustrations and raw excitement of that spring. “Beyond defining what it wasn’t, it is very difficult to say with certainty what anything meant. But everything must have a meaning, and everyone is free to say what meanings are. At Columbia a lot of students simply did not like their school commandeering a park, and they rather disapproved of their school making war, and they told other students, who told others, and we saw that Columbia is our school and we will have something to say for what it does.”

    That’s the similarity. Just as students then could no longer tolerate the horrific images of a distant war delivered, for the first time, in almost real time by television, so many of today’s students have found the images from Gaza, now transmitted instantly onto their phones, to demand action. And just as students in ’68 insisted that their school sever ties to a government institute doing research for the war, so today’s students demand that Columbia divest from companies profiting from Israel’s invasion of Gaza. And students then and now have found their college administrators deaf to their entreaties.

    Certainly there’s a lot to debate here. Universities do have a serious obligation to protect Jewish students from antisemitism and to maintain order, but it is to their students and teachers that they must answer, not to Republicans eager to score points against woke “indoctrination” at elite colleges or to megadonors seeking to push their agendas onto institutions of higher learning.

    Like Mr. Kunen, I’m not sure exactly how that spring of 1968 affected my life. I suspect it forced me to think in ways that have informed my reporting on the world. What I do know is that I’m heartened to see that college kids will still get angry over injustice and suffering and will try to do something about it.

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/ ... olumbia-israel.html

    meo1982 发表于 2024-5-3 16:55:28

    meo1982 22#

    2024-5-3 16:55:28

    These losers most likely receive the youth allowance supported by taxpayers
    心茯 发表于 2024-5-3 17:07:27

    心茯 23#

    2024-5-3 17:07:27

    试想一个不教授先生示威抗议 不听从的大学会是一个好的大学吗?
    zbg1279970269 发表于 2024-5-3 17:17:06

    zbg1279970269 24#

    2024-5-3 17:17:06

    lj_1229 发表于 2024-5-3 17:29:46

    lj_1229 25#

    2024-5-3 17:29:46

    027商城 发表于 2024-5-3 17:39:51

    027商城 26#

    2024-5-3 17:39:51




    风似轻吹过 发表于 2024-5-3 17:48:36

    风似轻吹过 27#

    2024-5-3 17:48:36

    这么多精英大学的先生被应用的几率 比独自一个tz被应用的几率低多了
    helixia 发表于 2024-5-3 17:57:48

    helixia 28#

    2024-5-3 17:57:48


    难道不称心澳洲政府 抗议示威 就必需分开澳洲吗?
    天高任吾飞 发表于 2024-5-3 18:05:32

    天高任吾飞 29#

    2024-5-3 18:05:32

    luozo梦日边 发表于 2024-5-3 18:14:35

    luozo梦日边 30#

    2024-5-3 18:14:35

    上万妇孺被炸死了 不是搏斗是甚么呢?
    北京大学 清华吗?
    ForrestGump 发表于 2024-5-3 18:19:17

    ForrestGump 31#

    2024-5-3 18:19:17




    mary 发表于 2024-5-3 18:29:21

    mary 32#

    2024-5-3 18:29:21

    whchchong 发表于 2024-5-3 18:36:58

    whchchong 33#

    2024-5-3 18:36:58

    RainGril 发表于 2024-5-3 18:40:42

    RainGril 34#

    2024-5-3 18:40:42


    文革是煽动民众文攻武斗 政治派系的争权夺利


    历史上MLK走向街头致使了种族隔离制度拔除 直接让澳洲拔除了白澳政策

    作为亚裔的你能绝对容易的定居澳洲 就是一个好的后果呀
    清淡之烟 发表于 2024-5-3 18:44:48

    清淡之烟 35#

    2024-5-3 18:44:48

    生无可恋 发表于 2024-5-3 18:56:03

    生无可恋 36#

    2024-5-3 18:56:03

    清华都制止了彩虹旗 你晓得这个旧事吧?
    matrix 发表于 2024-5-3 19:09:42

    matrix 37#

    2024-5-3 19:09:42

    樱桃小圆子 发表于 2024-5-3 19:18:21

    樱桃小圆子 38#

    2024-5-3 19:18:21




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