- The Housing Code allows for excavation & associated retaining walls between 1m – 3m deep/high to be carried out on a site, as follows:
o If located not more than 1m from any boundary – 1m deep/high;
o If located more than 1m but not more than 1.5m from any boundary – 2m deep/high;
o If located more than 1.5m from any boundary – 3m deep/high.
这是council 回复。 请问这个boundary指fence,对吗?
离fence1 米内, retaining wall不克不及挖1米深,以此类推? 假如是挖地基,1米内也不克不及挖超过1米深?挖2米深必需离fence1米之外? 我的了解对吗? |