

    加分求助建房 Walls on boundaries objective


    2024-9-26 11:19:04 9517 11

    54.04-2 Walls on boundaries objective
    To ensure that the location, length and height of a wall on a boundary respects the existing or preferred neighbourhood character and limits the impact on the amenity of existing  dwellings.

    Standard A十一
    A new wall constructed on or within 200妹妹 of a side or rear boundary of a lot or a carport constructed on or within 1 metre of a side or rear boundary of a lot should not abut the boundary:

    For a length more than the distance specified in a schedule to the zone; or
    If no distance is specified in a schedule to the zone, for a length of more than:
  • 10 metres plus 25 per cent of the remaining length of the boundary of an adjoining lot, or
  • Where there are existing or simultaneously constructed walls or carports abutting the boundary on an abutting lot, the length of the existing or simultaneously constructed walls or carports,
  • whichever is the greater.


  • 全部回复11

    赵迪 发表于 2024-9-26 10:03:08

    赵迪 沙发

    2024-9-26 10:03:08

    能够的,但取决于街坊的窗户,不克不及减少shadowing, 并且界限上的墙无奈开窗。
    Thanyalak 发表于 2024-9-26 10:08:25

    Thanyalak 板凳

    2024-9-26 10:08:25

    waterG 发表于 2024-9-26 10:14:17

    waterG 地板

    2024-9-26 10:14:17

    你可能没有留意这条款前面的十一点 Decision guidelines
    大多状况是按后面第一条款 54.04-1退让 Standard A10
    https://www..com.au/bbs/ ... ead&tid=1828055
    cff54 发表于 2024-9-26 10:20:47

    cff54 5#

    2024-9-26 10:20:47

    感激分享,我看了下A10 的退让规律是指在3.6米以上的,也就是说Ground Floor不受这个影响,那末在54.04-2之下,假如我的界限是50米,我的Ground Floor能够贴墙20米,只有我不在这20米上开窗,这样了解对吗?

    54.04-1 Side and rear setbacks objective
    To ensure that the height and setback of a building from a boundary respects the existing or preferred neighbourhood character and limits the impact on the amenity of existing dwellings.

    Standard A10
    A new building not on or within 200妹妹 of a boundary should be set back from side or rear boundaries:

    At least the distance specified in a schedule to the zone, or
    If no distance is specified in a schedule to the zone, 1 metre, plus 0.3 metres for every metre of height over 3.6 metres up to 6.9 metres, plus 1 metre for every metre of height over 6.9 metres.
    wbenli 发表于 2024-9-26 10:28:44

    wbenli 6#

    2024-9-26 10:28:44

    不是 你看错了
    A10 的退让规律是指在 3.6米以上 低于6.9m的 每高1米退让300妹妹
    3·6m 下列 Minimum Setback from side or rear boundary 是1 metre
    chily_ma 发表于 2024-9-26 10:42:09

    chily_ma 7#

    2024-9-26 10:42:09

    A10其实是说假如不贴着界限盖也就说在200妹妹内,你说的1m的间隔才使用。A new building not on or within 200妹妹 of a boundary should be set back from side or rear boundaries… 假如在200妹妹内也就是贴墙建是能够的。
    lsta0337 发表于 2024-9-26 10:46:30

    lsta0337 8#

    2024-9-26 10:46:30

    看來是維多利亞/墨爾本的ResCode  比来也在學習中。。。。
    daodao82 发表于 2024-9-26 10:50:07

    daodao82 9#

    2024-9-26 10:50:07

    A10规则个别退让准则 高3.6米下列外墙间隔界限1米 高6.9米下列外墙间隔界限2米
    A十一规则Walls on boundaries  其意思就是指外墙可彻底站界 也可距界200妹妹之内
    相干链接的帖子讲若设计 Walls on boundary 倡议外墙站界不另加围墙 单方都无利
    leonenjm 发表于 2024-9-26 11:00:57

    leonenjm 10#

    2024-9-26 11:00:57

    还有,有些zone外面,planning scheme规则wall on boundary只合用于carport/garage。
    amethystsnow 发表于 2024-9-26 11:13:20

    amethystsnow 11#

    2024-9-26 11:13:20

    The proposal includes walls on both side boundaries. The standard allows up to 16.39 metres of wall on
    the east side boundary and 16.42 metres of wall on the west side boundary. The proposal includes 6.39
    metres on the east side and 6.38 metres on the west side and these comply with the standard.
    The walls on boundary also include an average height of 3.2 metres and no section exceeds a height of 3.6
    metres in accordance with the standard.

    ersh 发表于 2024-9-26 11:19:04

    ersh 12#

    2024-9-26 11:19:04



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