

    老公去了一所教会学校的open day,给我写的报告-供大家参考


    2024-10-28 13:29:56 14746 20


    The tour was good. Eight students guided parents around the school. We went into the early learning centre, kindy  and year 2 classrooms. They are very good. Students were well behaved.

    Generally speaking, I like that school. Kind teachers, well behaved students, and well established facilities.

    I can feel a strong Christian environment in campus. Bible chapters are on the window glass. The principal mentioned God several times during her speech, and students greeted us “good morning” followed by “ God bless you.”

    For junior grades, one teacher is responsible for one class, with different teachers teaching music, PE and Mandarin.

    They only had their Year 11 and 12 in 2011. So pretty young.

    In terms of curriculum,
    •  they offer a lot of activities. Kids from kindy start learning Mandarin all through to Year 8. From year 9, they have opportunities to choose other languages to learn. One class per week, the same as other schools.

    •  Formal music lessons start from kindy. All students in year 3 learn to play violin or cello. Instrument provided by school. At higher grades, students have more opportunities to explore other performing arts like drama and singing. Those are within school hours. Parents can choose private tutors to learn other instruments after school hours.

    •  They have lots of sports as well, netball teams, mountain bike teams, and other sports training twice a week.

    •  Digital based learning is widely adopted as well. I saw three classrooms were studying something with laptops. The principal mentioned that Year 5 students use iPad to study, iPads provided by school.

    •  From Year 9, they have career classes once per week, helping students choose their career paths.

    •  They don’t do buddy program like Turner Primary does for lower grades. Only in college, students from different years may study together for selective subjects.

    •  But they have different buddy programs. Year 6 buddy up with Kindy and Year 5 with pre-school. However, what they can do together are limited in my opinion.

    •  For students who have difficulties in particular areas, they have teachers to help. But for top students, they don’t have programs for them.

    What else? Students on the waiting list will be considered at any time after kindy intake. So if MZ isn’t enrolled in kindy, she may get a place at any time afterwards. It really depends.


    preng 发表于 2024-10-28 10:29:58

    preng 沙发

    2024-10-28 10:29:58

    which school?
    ThinkPad 发表于 2024-10-28 10:41:05

    ThinkPad 板凳

    2024-10-28 10:41:05

    堪村一所学校,Brindabella Christian College
    qwm1973 发表于 2024-10-28 10:55:13

    qwm1973 地板

    2024-10-28 10:55:13

    ldx5168 发表于 2024-10-28 11:02:49

    ldx5168 5#

    2024-10-28 11:02:49

    法一 发表于 2024-10-28 11:12:52

    法一 6#

    2024-10-28 11:12:52

    这所学校是已经在它early learning centre的小孩直升,然后是教徒优先,有兄弟姐妹在学校的优先,还有位子就谁先报名先给谁位子,报名费200啊,是我们遇到报名费最贵的一所学校了。
    tsm2010 发表于 2024-10-28 11:26:45

    tsm2010 7#

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    可心 发表于 2024-10-28 11:34:01

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    jycombocom 发表于 2024-10-28 11:45:18

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    儿子要去Donvale Christian College, 报名费也是200
    余一刀 发表于 2024-10-28 11:51:33

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    No.14 in primary in 2002

    School fees        Brindabella
    Application        200
    Acceptance        500
    Capital levy/Y        $1,100
    Kindy        $4,160
    Year1        $4,160
    Year2        $4,160
    Year3        $4,160
    Year4        $4,160
    Year5        $4,800
    Year6        $4,800
    Year7        $5,640
    Year8        $5,640
    Year9        $6,200
    Year10        $6,200
    Year11        $6,920
    Year12        $6,920
    Sibling discount        10%
    apple1725 发表于 2024-10-28 12:42:39

    apple1725 16#

    2024-10-28 12:42:39

    one class per week
    我是华人 发表于 2024-10-28 12:48:20

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    冰兰 发表于 2024-10-28 13:00:33

    冰兰 18#

    2024-10-28 13:00:33

    堪培拉私校除了grammar, blue gum, 蒙台梭利,和穆斯林那学校,其余私校都是教会学校啊。

    公校小学不错的有不少,但是中学好的不多,大都在parliament house周围,表现好的多是私校。可以小学在公校,中学上私校,这样比较省钱,但是别的家长也都是这么想的,所以中学的队排得好长啊。

    我们也就是看中这所学校1、中学也不错,2,学校活动很丰富,3,第二语言教中文。Radford college是私校里数一数二的,可是排不上啊,据说要排十年。。。
    月亮的轨迹 发表于 2024-10-28 13:05:27

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    夜风 发表于 2024-10-28 13:16:59

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    lilylan 发表于 2024-10-28 13:29:56

    lilylan 21#

    2024-10-28 13:29:56

    不知道楼主的孩子后来是不是去了 Brindabella Christian College 这所学校呢?按照楼主的经验,孩子去这所学校读书好吗?又或者去了其他哪个学校了呢,感觉如何呢?


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