我不自证,还喜爱被动反击。上次把个senior manager怼哭了。
她刚开始发邮件阿谁狂妄,都没有称说的,间接工作甩过去。散会发约请越过我,给我上司发。我邮件问她开甚么会?为何越过我?为何也没有约请其余相干的manager?我还顺便cc了我老板。她说 I was not aware of your roles. You’re welcome to join.
我间接回一句I don’t think it is appropriate and professional tone in your email. Managers must be included in the meeting invite to the team. Any tasks assigned to the team must go through appropriate reporting line and co妹妹unication channel.
她就急了, 打电话给我,我不接。起初视频电话过去,我接了。她只会说 I feel overwhelmed by your words. I think you’re unprofessional too。而后说着说着就哭了。 我说 if you don’t feel comfortable talking to me directly, why did you call me in the first place? Let’s keep everything in writing.
终局就是她从此对我敬而远之。 |