If you leave Australia for more than 26 weeks
When you reach 26 weeks after leaving Australia your rate will depend on how long you were an Australian resident between 16 and Age Pension age.
If you were an Australian resident for:
35 years or more, your rate won’t change in most cases
less than 35 years, you’ll get a lower rate in most cases.
For example, if you were a resident for 10 years, you’ll get 10/35ths of your usual rate.
In most cases your rate won’t change if all of these apply. You were:
getting Age Pension or another Australian social security payment while living outside Australia on 1 July 2014.
an Australian resident for 25 years or more.
not in Australia for more than 26 weeks since 1 July 2014, and getting Age Pension the whole time.
Your payment may not reduce or stop if you can’t return to Australia due to unforeseen circumstances. This includes a serious illness, public health crisis or natural disaster. If you have a Pensioner Concession Card, it will still cancel after you’ve been temporarily overseas for 6 weeks. |