当年问过一个 total 8 people attend same 4 swimming competitions, each position has the following points: first has 20 points, second has 15 points, third has 12 points, forth has 9 points, fifth has 6 points, sixth has 4 points, seventh has 3 points, eighth has 2 points. Each of people may achieve an award if has total 40 points. What is the maximum number of people who can achieve an award?
当年AI给的结果是 4 8 等等等(过去没有7或6)。
不同的是: 加一句 the answer should be 6之后,,, AI同样输出类似的看着很专业的过程(与第一次答复基本一致);区别仅仅是在最后结论刻意加了一句7不可能(没说细节原因),只有6可能,所以答案是6,,,
所谓聪明的位置: 再次询问同样问题之后,直接给出答案6。
当年有人跟帖嘲笑英文之类(即说录入的问题文字不对之类)。估计肯定不是“家长”。看原题英文字样估计能气死你。希望这次就别纠结英文啦。 |