The dollar is the currency of Kiribati. It is pegged at 1:1 ratio to the Australian dollar. Coins were issued in 1979 and circulate alongside banknotes and coins of the Australian dollar. It is also issued by Reserve Bank of Australia.
Macquarie Mint不是国有的铸币厂,和Perth Mint & Royal Australian Mint纷歧样
发行的阿谁$10 silver coin只要50%含银两,一个coin weight才10克,纯银含量就是5克,才至关于0.15oz 盎司当初银子才$15美金多一盎司,折合澳币也就$20.3一盎司,这样算的话这个$10银币的银子价值才值 $3.2都不到
花十刀买一个记念银币,看了喜爱就好,想保藏发财仍是不如买Perth Mint的贵金属产品患了