chemist warehouse有规则说一集体能够买几瓶保健品吗?我周末去chemist warehouse parramatta,哪里的店员有歧视景象, 去tell off一个chinese couple family,说, you came this morning and I am not serving you anymore. If you want to buy, come in tomorrow and i am happy to serve you. 起初就吵了。她说一集体只能够买3瓶, 由于promotion, etc etc. (故事很长, security都进来讲, if u raise your voice, i am going to ask you to leave)...话说, 他们还不幸, 阿谁女的无辜, 还带一个孩子, 就爸爸再那里和他吵, 起初manager来报歉~ 想一想阿谁小女孩, 有没被吓到呢?
反正起初我买了4瓶krill oil, 排队还钱遇到阿谁老女人。说我只能够买3瓶。让后我说哪里来的规则, 她说由于半价, 只能够买3瓶, 由于要be FAIR to other people in parramatta. WTF. 我说我还有两个敌人, 他们也能够买啊, 起初阿谁老女人说, you got three people, 1 for each people, is more than enough for you to eat. again WTF! 我说我买个我妈吃的,又不是卖的, etc etc。 起初烦了, 我叫阿谁老女人, SHUT UP! 阿谁老女人还说, what, i beg you pardon (腰身还挺一下,眼睛还转一下). 我就说, yes, you shut up! 起初应该是manager来了,把她推一边,说由于50% off, 所以只能够买3瓶,起初我说, 买两瓶,还钱 走人。 我看到有其余人也买4瓶鱼肝油, 原本想看看其余售货员怎么样, 我lg说算了, 别生事。 回去online买买,或其余店买, 最初
就走了~ 起初越想越不爽, email complain discrimination!
咱们花钱享福啊!所以你们去chemist warehouse parramatta, 谨慎老女人收银员! |