An owner-builder permit is designed to allow people who have the skill or capacity to build their own house or supervise construction by coordinating appropriate sub-contractors. While an owner-builder permit is not a builder’s licence, as an owner-builder, you are responsible for the building work as a fully licensed builder would be.
千万别吵架,明天吵的够多了,大过节的,欠好。就这件事上,假如所有本人监管,就跟owner builder差未几,固然owner builder管的事更多。其实对修建相熟的人,真没须要找PM,就是费钱。10几万进去可能甚么都看不见
跟这些Architect,structure engineer,town planner,Council,land surveyor, building surveyor, Builder打交道其实比跟各个工种的水电修建工人打交道容易多了,固然英文欠好的另说 |