Departmental records indicate that you were granted a Subclass 600 visa
on 22/08/20十二. Your visa allowed you to stay in Australia for 3 months
on each visit. You arrived in Australia on 21/09/20十二. Your Subclass 600
visitor visa ceased on 21/十二/20十二. You remained in Australia as an
unlawful non-citizen until 07/02/2013. The 3 year exclusion period
co妹妹ences from the date of your departure from Australia.
As a result, this visa cannot be granted to you unless you apply again
after 07/02/2016, and meet all requirements for the visa grant or
provide information that shows:
there are compelling circumstances that affect the interests of
Australia; or
there are compelling or compassionate circumstances that affect the
interests of an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or
an eligible New Zealand citizen.
Your case will be referred to a delegate for consideration once your
provide further information. The delegate will consider all available
information. Please also provide a statement regarding the reasons for
non-compliance and overstaying your visas.
If you do not provide me with any further information within 28 days of
the date of this letter, or the delegate assesses the information you
provide as not sufficient to justify granting the visa, your visa
application will be refused.
If the delegate refuses your visa application, you are entitled to apply
for another class of visa, but if public interest criterion 4013 or
4014, or special return criterion 5002 or 5010 are prescribed as
criteria for that other class of visa, then you will not satisfy these
criteria unless you apply for the visa after 07/02/2016, or you satisfy
the decision-maker that there are reasons that justify the grant of the
visa. |