往年筹备给父母管理143移民,按照最新的(May 2017)的checklist做了如下对应。有些资料拿不许,请问版里的敌人是不是有相似的教训(尤为是已经胜利管理过的敌人)。
* 47PA表格
* 40表格
* Your identity
Certified copies of the biographical pages of the current passports or travel documents that you, your partner and your dependants used to enter Australia, and of any passports held since then.
* Your relationships
Certified copies of marriage certificates or relationship registrations for you and anyone else included in your application, even if they are not joining you in Australia.
Evidence of financial dependency for all members of your family unit aged 18 or older:
a certified copy of their birth certificate and proof of their relationship to you
proof that they live in your household
* Your children
Certified copies of birth certificates or the family book showing the names of both parents for all your children and step-children, even if they are not joining you in Australia.
户口公证(包孕我父母和我的名字以及瓜葛)是不是就能了?我了解family book就是中国的户口本。