当初在给我妈妈请求173转143, 我爸不外来,我是独生子女是citizen.当初有几个问题想销假下
1. 47 PT 表Part H 第30题 members of the family unit aged 18 years or over,我是否甚么都不需求填?
2. 40表part c 13题 list here all members of the family unit of the applicant who are included in this sponsorship. 是否也不需求填?
3. 40表 43题 do you or your partner have any family members aged 18 years or over, who are not your dependants, living in Australia? 这里的family member是指我和我partner这个family仍是说我和我父母?当初就我妈妈在澳洲,我需求填吗?