1. 745以火车站为核心800米半径之内当前的布局标的目的是办公和商业核心,居民楼将遭到限度。今后居民区将次要是在800米半径外开发。
2. 以后先将PACIFIC HWY和RAILWAY PDE之间的南北狭长地带开发为办公商业区。
3. PACIFIC HWY以西离火车站800米半径内今后将再也不批低密度公寓,留待当前开发为办公商业区(25层以上的)。条件是下面南北狭长地带开发完了。
4. 当以上地域都开发完了,斟酌745的东面,假如也开发完了,再开到当初745东面南北京大学量的历史维护区。
The Rail north and south areas, are well connected to the centre and should be considered appropriate for change i妹妹ediately even if they are considered separate from the ‘core’ of the centre which focusses around retail and office uses.
Development to the west and highway centre, north and south should be considered in the future growth of the centre once the existing centre and areas noted above are built out. These areas should be considered in tandem with improvements to pedestrian access across the Pacific Highway and steep topography
Development to the east should be considered where there is a clear demand for new development and other areas noted above are not possible. This area should be considered as a secondary centre to Chatswood and should be part of the Council wide growth projections.
The Heritage north and south areas should be tested further to understand how their development can assist with the strategic potential of the centre and the potential impact on heritage significance can be understood or investigated to be offset through improvements to other heritage issues.
All areas of expansion are likely to be primarily residential in focus and will not contribute significantly to the retail or office focus of the centre which should be planned to be acco妹妹odated primarily in the existing centre.
All of these areas should be considered as having a potential contribution to the centre in the long term. They should not be permitted in the near term to develop as low to mid-rise strata apartments which may preclude this future potential. |