An unregistered interest in Torrens land system may be protected by caveat. A person who claim to be entitled to a legal equitable interest or estate in land, by virtual unregistered dealing, may lodge a caveat prohibiting the recording of dealing affecting the estate or interest claimed. A caveat can be lodged to protect a property right.
举个极真个例子,一个舅舅在家庭聚首上当着一切人的面说他的房子留10%的产权给侄子,一切亲戚都听到了也违心为这个侄子作证,当这个舅舅过世后,他的儿子筹备管理转移产权时,侄子能够lodge caveat 说有10%的产权,那末儿子的产权转移就不克不及实现,直到caveat解决。Caveat可能在买家under contract of sale时被lodge.
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