退房以前特意把房子空出来了两人清扫了整整一个星期,而后请专业的洗地毯花了$350 (以前咱们始终放弃6个月洗一次地毯,无宠物不穿拖鞋进房间总之就是绝对洁净), 之后依然重复清扫直到本人满意了之后通知中介,明天收到到中介的final inspection 后果 如下, 内容较多。。。
I conducted the final inspection at the property yesterday and found that the following requires to be attended to
Driveway is sandy in places
Carport one has oil stains that require to be removed
Garden bed rear has no ferns
Floor has some marks esp on right hand side
Walls have scuff marks and repainted marks
Ceiling is marked
A/c vent is dusty
Light fitting is dusty and main light is dusty
Power point is dusty
Carpet has marks
Windows are smeared and tracks dusty
Fly screen dusty
Blinds require to be cleaned
Bedroom one
Chip marks to walls esp at window ledge
Blinds require to be cleaned
Walk in robes are dusty
Door frame is dusty
Power point dusty
Ensuite one
Cobwebs and marks and chips to wall
Power point dusty
Door frame is chipped
Wash hand basin is badly marked and requires to be replaced
Mirror frame is dusty
Shower - rail, cabinet and track requires to be cleaned
Toilet- behind the toilet requires to be cleaned
Window is dusty
PowerPoint - dirty
Pantry - door frame dirty
Oven requires to be cleaned esp the trays and the glass
Hot plate requires to be cleaned esp rear RHS
Work surfaces are sticky to the touch
Cabinets require to be cleaned as there are still items left there as well esp cutlery drawer and left hand side of hot plate
Family meals
Walls are badly chipped and scuff marked and require to be cleaned and repaired
Marks to the ceiling
Power point is dusty
Light fitting is dirty and only one light working should be five
Windows/sliding door - has smear marks and requires to be cleaned
Blinds are dirty and require to be cleaned, and the cords reattached
Walls have scuff marks
Bedroom two
Light fitting- has cobwebs
Power point is dusty
Door frame is dusty
Windows are dusty esp tracks and smear marks
Wardrobe is dusty - rail and shelf
Ensuite two
Walls are badly marked and require to be cleaned and repaired
Power point is dusty
Door frame dusty
Windows are dusty on the glass
Wash hand basin is badly damaged and requires to be repaired
Vanity - item inside and requires to be cleaned
Mirror requires to be cleaned
Shower requires the following to be cleaned rail, frame, tiles and cabinet
Bedroom three
Walls - repair and cleaning of walls
Light fitting- only one light working
Door frame is dusty
Blinds/ curtains
Require to be cleaned esp lace curtain
Wardrobe requires to be cleaned
Bedroom four
Walls have scuff marks
Ceiling is marked
Power point is dusty
Door frame requires to be cleaned
Windows require to be cleaned esp tracks
Fly screen is dusty
Curtain- has no lace curtain
Stripped curtains are dusty
Main bathroom
Item left
Power point is dusty
Door frame is dusty
Cabinet is dusty especially first cabinet
Wash hand basin marked
Shower - soap dish, rail, cabinet, grout, screen, frame
Floor covering has some marks
Toilet requires to be cleaned esp on top
Floor covering requires to be cleaned esp in RHS
Windows require to be cleaned
Fly screen is dusty
Items left in trough
Exterior back
Floor covering requires to be cleaned as badly marked
Fence is marked
Pergola has cobwebs
Storage room has items eg brushes
Please let me know when you will be attending to this or are you wishing me to arrange for a cleaner to attend to this. They will usually charge $40.00 per hour.
甚么叫丧心病狂!!我就呵呵了,干脆叫我重建个新房给他患了。 幸好我搬进去那时拍了照片。。。前租客还没咱们清扫的洁净!! 咱们住的这几年始终十分留意洁净,房客曾说这叫洁癖。。。看来大家都错了
23/3/2016 更新:
1. 过后收到中介email次日就回复中介了,表现整个不赞成,不出换洗手盆的钱也不额定清扫卫生, 摆事实讲情理,把以前的入住时房子的照片也挑了几张发给她。
2. 回完邮件后中介有一个星期的时间没有回复我邮件,这个是之前从没产生过的,我固然也没有被动分割她而是理解了一下怎么请求application for disposal of bond money。
3.收回email一个星期摆布 中介终于来email了意思就是,哎呀,你的邮件不知为何在junk mail里了所以我当初才看到,我曾经反省了你的屋子,你有甚么问题的话间接给我打电话吧。excuse me?!! 当我以前发的email是空气吗?? 我偏不打电话给你,看你敢不敢把我bond金盗了。而后我间接在magistrates court of WA递交 online application for disposal of bond money。
4.几天后中介被动复电话了,一启齿意思是哎呀bond金怎么拖这么久要赶快处置了,你的洗手盆要换$400而后你的清洁不是很洁净还要清扫,总之一堆事,我也被中介绕沟里去了,间接问你感觉还要多少小时她来个可能四五个小时吧,我说至多给你两小时(由于真实没甚么可弄得,我本想说一个小时的),她立刻表现赞成了,而后就在那说wash basin, 说那是damage,我固然不赞成了,几乎是凌辱,咱们历来是把阿谁房子当本人的家来敬服的。中介说要不你来我办公室说这个事件,我当场回绝表现没时间去,有事发邮件就行了。 挂完电话中介发了邮件过去确认你赞成清洁两小时多少钱此外你本人也知道wash basin damage了,而后发了一份换basin的报价$400. 我觉得中介那时还不知道我曾经请求了退bond金,并且是那种能赖我多少是多少, 当场立刻回邮件再次表现整个回绝,标明打电话解决不了任何不合我曾经请求到magistrates court of WA, 到时让court来抉择,外加当前不要给我打电话只发邮件。(书面语没有中介南征北战来的厉害,很容易被绕进去)
5. 昨天中介发邮件来讲屋主赞成本人换wash basin了,阿谁清洁两小时的费用你赞成出呢仍是要持续go to court, 我回复说我的抉择和之前同样,整个回绝,清洁也不付否则就去court.
6. 终局:刚刚收到中介emai, Bond金全额退回 :
Dear XXX
I have now spoken with the owner and she has decided that she does not wish to proceed with court. Please complete
And return to me so that l can then forward on to the bond administration for dispersal. I have also sent a letter to the
Magistrates Court to confirm that the bond is being dispersed. I await your signature
PS. 换 wash hand basin的费用确定是屋主来出的,缘故是年代过久了外表的涂层曾经退步(surface deterioration),缓缓的退步之处加之湿润有些中央表层色彩就会变深,这个是彻底没方法清算的,只能换。问题是我住进去之后才开始的,属于恰好撞上老化期了,此外几个浴室的洗手盆都有这个问题但由于光照对比充沛不会特别显著。对于洗手盆我还特意打电话去tenancy department问过了,staff问我是全部broken了吗?我说固然没有只要表层有些退色有些深色不是全白模样欠好看,staff表现那就不会叫你陪,并且你用的时分又不是新的为何要让你掏钱换新的呢。何况这洗手盆早就depreciated out of value了,过后和中介在电话里说了这点她间接躲避了阐明她心虚。。。
这个房子是我作为菜鸟留先生时代第一次take房子,应该也是最初一次了。我这个帖子可能会要挟到一般屋主的利益,我想说的是假如你的租客在这几年给你带来了十分可观的房租支出同时把你的房子保护的十分好,准时交租也没有找过你任何费事的状况下你还腆着脸想赖租客就等着被打脸。 我之所以敢间接回绝,由于中介列出来的问题均可以在现在拍的照片里找到谜底,我一点也不心虚。