楼主住公寓顶楼,自搬进去楼顶时时时就有“咚”的一声收回,像是机器启动的声响,浅睡眠的时分会被吵醒,发声距离不固定。问了strata, 就回我了这个
The air-conditioning services and the hot water systems are on the roof.
They are currently in good condition and are all working.
The air-conditioning and hot water systems get serviced regularly.
“”The roof noises have occurred again as part of the warmer season.
Building manager to get more pebbles to decrease the noise and to have
this on the entire roof instead of certain areas.“
Pebbles were installed on the roof of your building in 2017 previously to deal with the noise complaints made by residents.
Corflute sheeting and a reflective coating was also added. Three coats have been completed.