卖就要找老奸巨猾的,别的都扯的。 中介费也无所谓的 2M 多1%也才多2万 多卖4万都在外面了。
此外一点不达底线不松口,一开始就很不客气的甩中介脸上,不出到甚么价别来烦我。 情缘付个广告费走个过场当理解行情了。
还有就是假如可能别签独家协定,这样中介压力更大。 但若你想走拍卖,就没方法了。
New South Wales
Exclusive Agency Agreement: a vendor engages the agency on an exclusive basis to market and sell the property by private treaty.
Auction Agency Agreement: a vendor appoints the agency on an exclusive basis to market and sell the property by way of public auction.
Open Selling Agency Agreement: a vendor appoints more than one agency to market and sell the property, on a non-exclusive basis.
Co妹妹ission is paid to the successful agency who secures a sale.