仅跑了约2多万千米, 比来变速器换不了挡.
明天到雷诺的4s店反省了一下, transmission, hydro unit 需求新换,要价 $2895.00. 坑爹呀
请问, 在这类状况, 我怎么知道 transmission, hydro unit 真的有毛病或只是电子零碎出了问题? 谢谢!
Please refer to the following quote
To rectify the issue with transmission, hydro unit will need renewal, cost of the renewal is $6098.00
I have approached Renault Australia on your behalf and they have assisted in the cost of repairs as a goodwill gesture.
Now the revised cost is $2895.00, part is ex-melbourne and will get ordered if you decide to go ahead with the repair
Kind regards |