



    2021-5-11 22:00:29 890 9



    heiye 发表于 2021-5-11 21:35:15

    heiye 沙发

    2021-5-11 21:35:15

    老婆持有公司share,拿分成,分成虽然是税后frank dividend的,然而你能够退税时按照你的税率退回吧
    hiqyj 发表于 2021-5-11 21:39:54

    hiqyj 板凳

    2021-5-11 21:39:54

    fkzl 发表于 2021-5-11 21:41:03

    fkzl 地板

    2021-5-11 21:41:03

    You have to have at least 2 支出来源, the major source can only take up to 80% of your turnover.

    In this situation you can share your income to anyone you want if you set up a family trust or a company.
    tjg 发表于 2021-5-11 21:43:23

    tjg 5#

    2021-5-11 21:43:23

    It is more likely caught by PSI rules. But it depends on your certain circumstances... The most important questions to ask are:
    Question 1: Under your contract or arrangement, will you only receive payment when the work has been completed - that is, after producing the contracted result?
    Question 2: Do you need to provide the equipment or tools necessary to do the work?
    Question 3: Do you have to rectify defects in the work, or are you liable for the cost of rectifying defects?

    Tell me your answers about above Qs, we can go from there…
    wywwyf 发表于 2021-5-11 21:46:58

    wywwyf 6#

    2021-5-11 21:46:58

    1. No. I receive payment weekly
    2. No. The client provide the equipment. I just provide my service.
    3. No. I am not liable for the cost of recifying defects and the client pay for that.

    Is there any chance?
    萧萧而下 发表于 2021-5-11 21:51:44

    萧萧而下 7#

    2021-5-11 21:51:44

    sorry mate, bad luck, the income is PSI and all the PSI rules apply...you will be taxed for the income received - no matter how much you give to you wife and there is no deduction allowed.
    However, there are some solutions:

    1. you may try to maximize the deduction under your name
    2. negotiate a contract that can get you away from PSI
    judyb 发表于 2021-5-11 21:54:43

    judyb 8#

    2021-5-11 21:54:43

    by negotiate a contract may not alter the substance...be careful, especially in construction industry

    [ 本帖最初由 xinxin十一9 于 20十一-6-28 01:18 编纂 ]
    wearesafe 发表于 2021-5-11 21:58:01

    wearesafe 9#

    2021-5-11 21:58:01

    hmf111111 发表于 2021-5-11 22:00:29

    hmf111111 10#

    2021-5-11 22:00:29



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