

    Mascot 补英语好吗


    2021-5-15 15:53:12 812 29

    女儿4年级了,看了她的补习功课和OC Trail Test Paper,感觉英语仍是单薄啊。她也挺喜爱看书的。不知道是否看的不得法。敌人说Mascot 补英语挺好的。求教坛里有教训的妈妈们,Mascot 补英语好吗?最次要离得太远,假如到那儿补真是得下点信心呢。


    caicool 发表于 2021-5-15 14:30:30

    caicool 沙发

    2021-5-15 14:30:30

    19491010 发表于 2021-5-15 14:33:36

    19491010 板凳

    2021-5-15 14:33:36

    我女儿也是读4年级,去补了2个term,觉得gra妹妹ar 和comprehension教的都对比浅,写作纯正是给你个范文,而后让你换几个词进去,依葫芦画瓢,感觉有点像cheating。
    苏敏 发表于 2021-5-15 14:38:18

    苏敏 地板

    2021-5-15 14:38:18

    对于Mascot 补英语真是各有各的说法,我仍是把某一个在Mascot 补习过的,那孩子作业贴出来,供大家本人去评估。
    信息量 发表于 2021-5-15 14:42:38

    信息量 5#

    2021-5-15 14:42:38

    Lively is not a word you’d have used to describe Licker. Lazy and lethargic yes-but lively, never. You see, Licker Layabout the labrador was a laggard. In the abandoned house, he would collapse like a bag of marbles and snore and roar-a real laggard! When his friend asked him if he would play ball with him, he would say “Nah, play by yourself, I’m too tired.”
    When they played gang races he always was last and his team always lost. The other dogs had enough of Licker’s laziness.

    The Canine Club met in the abandoned house. If you sneaked a look, the sun making haphazard mosaic patterns on their coat: Andy the alsatian, Charles Chihuahua, Grant the great dane-and Licker, lazily lolling. Licker snoozed, the others sighed.

    [ 本帖最初由 SMART1968 于 2010-7-25 16:25 编纂 ]
    lmwyjlky 发表于 2021-5-15 14:44:24

    lmwyjlky 6#

    2021-5-15 14:44:24

    “Go on and plea......”
    “Why can’t he wake up to play?” grumbled Grant.
    Licker snored, the others stared.
    “Snore, gurgle, snore... Huh.”
    “Come on Licker!”growled Andy
    But still he slept; the others shook him.
    “Hey...Wh-What...where am I?
    “He needs to be taught a lesson!”
    It was then they heard the danger: a spine-shivering cacophony of howling, screeching and yapping.
    caisenyian 发表于 2021-5-15 14:46:10

    caisenyian 7#

    2021-5-15 14:46:10

    Six horrified eyes turned to the harassment of howling nearby. Someone was approaching the house. Was it Terry the terrier? Six eyes then settled on Licker. Anxiously they tried to bark him awake; sadly he only opened one eye. He lay there looking at the others’ shadows in the window-the other quickly fading shadows. Now as you and I know, terriers are
    西红柿65 发表于 2021-5-15 14:48:43

    西红柿65 8#

    2021-5-15 14:48:43

    territorial. But what you might not be aware of was not only Terry territorial; he also almost always caught the trespasser in a savage fight. You see, poor Licker was too lazy to flee.

    “Howl!”howled Terry. And Licker woke from his deep sleep. Stumble! Yes, he stumbled- and staggered and trembled and limped and flopped and dropped and crawled for safety- and then jerked. Oh no! Licker was being dragged! Terry was protecting his terrier-tory! Andy, Charles and Grant just stood there, ears pricked up, staring at the fading image of Licker. But hang about! Surprisingly, they heard a great bang, followed by a dark silhouette. It was Licker and he was biting Terry by the tail. Terry was all bark and no bite; he had just used his claws!

    Well a humble-hearted, straight-faced Licker learned his lesson that day. But even he had a small smile when everyone cheered at his courage. From that day on, he never again lolled or lounged... well, not very often. And that, my friends, is the end of this true tale...except he started to race in the Dog Olympics and get fit- but that’s another story for another day.
    caicool 发表于 2021-5-15 14:51:29

    caicool 9#

    2021-5-15 14:51:29


    open168 发表于 2021-5-15 14:53:07

    open168 10#

    2021-5-15 14:53:07

    michyy 发表于 2021-5-15 14:55:52

    michyy 11#

    2021-5-15 14:55:52

    咱们补了2个term,就是总共20堂课,当初不补了。反正我女儿在那里补课时,writing都是给你个模式,你把描述词和动词换掉就能了。他们的范文里有得多的排比句,还要rhyming words,不外要找那末多rhyme的词还真是不易啊,让咱们绞尽脑汁。我也贴一段我女儿“写”的文章吧,
                                                 Shiver 1
    My garden is no ordinary garden. It smells like an ordinary garden with floating fragrances of flowers and compost bins. My lounge is bright; my bedroom is light. But… my garden is no ordinary garden. In fact, my garden is spooky and cooky, shivering and quivering and savagely scary. It is in that spooky, cooky, shivering, quivering, savagely dark garden that extremely extraordinary things happen. The most extremely extraordinary thing that ever happens in my garden is… when my great grandfather’s treasure chest is opened!
    zhenblisa 发表于 2021-5-15 14:59:18

    zhenblisa 12#

    2021-5-15 14:59:18

    谢谢啦。我女儿当初确定写不出这样的。我家在Epping 左近。到Mascot就是有点间隔啊。所以纠结中。想听听先辈的教训。
    yxjtyy 发表于 2021-5-15 15:03:09

    yxjtyy 13#

    2021-5-15 15:03:09

    我以为不需求从Epping 到Mascot来补英文,置信山区一定有好的英文教师。

    [ 本帖最初由 SMART1968 于 2010-7-25 20:29 编纂 ]
    michyy 发表于 2021-5-15 15:04:49

    michyy 14#

    2021-5-15 15:04:49


    flexiblem 发表于 2021-5-15 15:06:27

    flexiblem 15#

    2021-5-15 15:06:27

    山区有甚么好的学校呢?我住Epping,Eastwood,当初在补pre-uni.女儿成就不拔尖,只能说中上,大约top 25%。十分焦虑啊。
    金竹坑 发表于 2021-5-15 15:09:57

    金竹坑 16#

    2021-5-15 15:09:57



    snnhqm 发表于 2021-5-15 15:14:19

    snnhqm 17#

    2021-5-15 15:14:19

    heidian 发表于 2021-5-15 15:15:56

    heidian 18#

    2021-5-15 15:15:56

    D妈妈,swotshop 的英语好吗?我有一个敌人在那儿补的。据说功课很少。我女儿是那种拨一拨,动一动的类型。swotshop 不知道合适吗。我当初有点像无头苍蝇,四处打听。最次要感觉看她功课甚么都行,然而trail test排名就是不行。也不想oc了,但愿selective能进。
    lmwyjlky 发表于 2021-5-15 15:18:37

    lmwyjlky 19#

    2021-5-15 15:18:37

    我没有对比,所以也不太好下论断。集体觉得,他们的写作班和MASCOT 是两个概念。就是出个标题问题让孩子写。写完了教师批改。没有范文。没有技能训练。每次写作,小D都不乱在十二-15分之间(总分20)。就没见他进步过。


    你女儿这个形态,假如知足于SWOT SHOP的作业,我以为不敷。一周才30分钟作业,怎么够。(表告知你女儿这是我说的)
    ch64 发表于 2021-5-15 15:20:07

    ch64 20#

    2021-5-15 15:20:07

    slonecn 发表于 2021-5-15 15:23:21

    slonecn 21#

    2021-5-15 15:23:21

    19491010 发表于 2021-5-15 15:28:09

    19491010 22#

    2021-5-15 15:28:09


    1.        Relevance to the subject – No more, no less to the requirements or major points
    2.        Paragraph Structure -- Are major points well structured and organized to support the whole subject?
    3.        Sentence Structure -- Smooth and understandable?
    4.        Vocabulary  -- Accurate usage/conveyance
    5.        Gra妹妹ar/Punctuation/Spelling – Obvious mistakes?


    1.        主题相干性  -- 未几不少按要求写出主题/核心思想。
    2.        段落构造  --  要点是不是组织明晰?有没有重复凌乱?
    3.        句子构造 --  流畅仍是艰涩难懂?
    4.        辞汇 --  是不是精确表白思想
    5.        语法/标点/拼写 – 是不是有显著的过错?





    My Special Day

    Write a story about your special day. Tell and explain about three activities or events you did on that day.

    Your writing will be judged:

            What you have to say
            How well you organize the way you write it
            How clearly and effectively you express yourself.


    注:这个先生是Year 5 的OC班先生。

    Today I went to the school carnival. As I started to slowly walk into the bus, I chattered to my best friends behind me.
    For minutes, we waited in the bus and talked to the excited classmates around us. Even I was so excited that I couldn’t wait for several minutes.
    As soon as the bus stopped, we were instructed to quietly walk out and line up near the picnic area.
    As I walked past the kind, bus driver, I thanked him politely while the others walked noisily past me. The kind-hearted teacher on duty encouraged me and I felt so pleased with myself.
    Our class set up the mats at our house groups, and happily started playing card games.
    As the fist event took place, many of the kindergarten children rushed up to the waiting area.
    The event was organised by age groups from youngest to oldest.
    Finally, the shot put was called. I made it into the finals and I excitedly dashed up to the shot –put area.
    I scored five pint six metres and was extremely happly with the results.
    As I finished the running events, I felt my heart beat quickly when I came first.
    After the events, I went to the public canteen and bought sweets.
    After five hours of extreme fun, it was time to g back to school.
    I hoped that next year, we could have another exciting carnival..



    主题是, three activities or events on a special day, 然而,从这篇文章中你无奈分明的看到三个主题。从“For minutes, we waited in the bus and talked to the excited classmates around us” 。。。 up to . “The event was organised by age groups from youngest to oldest.”一大段没有须要,根本上能够去掉,放在那里,哪怕写的再好,也不会得甚么分的。真实的activity 好象是从As the first event took placed 开始,从那当前,shot up and running, 以及后面的playing card games, 是否three activities之一呢? 十分不分明。


    从这个文章中,段落也是很凌乱,读者无奈分明地看到要点组织。Introduction, body parts and conclusion/wrap up, 组织凌乱,一句成为了一个段落。



    Shiver 1
    My garden is no ordinary garden. It smells like an ordinary garden with floating fragrances of flowers and compost bins. My lounge is bright; my bedroom is light. But… my garden is no ordinary garden. In fact, my garden is spooky and cooky, shivering and quivering and savagely scary. It is in that spooky, cooky, shivering, quivering, savagely dark garden that extremely extraordinary things happen. The most extremely extraordinary thing that ever happens in my garden is… when my great grandfather’s treasure chest is opened!


    优点 --  这篇文章里的单词对比丰硕,觉得高于小学程度,每个句子构造不错,神韵教强。
    缺陷 – 过于反复。相干单词沉积过量,多是过分强调rhythm而至(我不知道是否写诗?)。好比,spooky, cooky是相似的,shivering, quivering也是相似的,most extremely extraordinary thing, 也是夸大的沉积。my garden is no ordinary garden也是反复。写这个次要是为了让教师评神韵单词分吗?而下面我提过,辞汇只是写作给分的第四位因素。


    “Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man”, by Roger Beacon. 充沛阐明这一点。

    wsb 发表于 2021-5-15 15:29:51

    wsb 23#

    2021-5-15 15:29:51


    有过一个和下面的这样一个相似的标题问题好像叫一次interesting的trip,他居然给扯到最开心的一次trip是和妈妈一同带了好多好吃的去月球picnic, 玩的怎么怎么.的开心,玩着玩着想起来没有带cheese, 最初他抱起圆圆的金黄的月亮咬一大口,开头是剩下一道弯弯的月亮挂在枝头。。。。
    我是完全晕死,显著应该就是一个写实的叙说文,后果成为了一个科幻, 切题十万八千里。可是教师感觉还挺好,给了一个不错的分数。可假如我是教师的话,首先切题就不克不及给及格。

    kawai32 发表于 2021-5-15 15:32:37

    kawai32 24#

    2021-5-15 15:32:37

    freyayi 发表于 2021-5-15 15:37:08

    freyayi 25#

    2021-5-15 15:37:08

    我儿子之前也有点这类故障, 对比容易想象得过头.
    open168 发表于 2021-5-15 15:38:46

    open168 26#

    2021-5-15 15:38:46


    caisenyian 发表于 2021-5-15 15:40:43

    caisenyian 27#

    2021-5-15 15:40:43

    没掰过去  就指着他考试的时分别天马行空.
    snnhqm 发表于 2021-5-15 15:44:39

    snnhqm 28#

    2021-5-15 15:44:39


    我儿子在国际时,关于作文标题问题经常忧愁,觉得没甚么可写或不知道写甚么。来澳洲后这样的状况一次也没产生过。我问过他缘故,他说:“你不知道呀,这里是creative writing,create谁不会呀”。我原本总感觉比起浏览,他在写作方面弱些,其实就是当初我仍是这么以为的,但恰恰school report上他的写作成就最高,往年精英考试写作成就也不错,拿了18/20。所以我感觉不克不及简略以咱们过来的教训来判别这里的写作规范。
    右手 发表于 2021-5-15 15:45:41

    右手 29#

    2021-5-15 15:45:41

    Meigui 说得颇有情理, 其实到当初我也没很搞清究竟怎么样的文章在他们看来能得高分.
    caicool 发表于 2021-5-15 15:53:12

    caicool 30#

    2021-5-15 15:53:12



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