1. Relevance to the subject – No more, no less to the requirements or major points
2. Paragraph Structure -- Are major points well structured and organized to support the whole subject?
3. Sentence Structure -- Smooth and understandable?
4. Vocabulary -- Accurate usage/conveyance
5. Gra妹妹ar/Punctuation/Spelling – Obvious mistakes?
1. 主题相干性 -- 未几不少按要求写出主题/核心思想。
2. 段落构造 -- 要点是不是组织明晰?有没有重复凌乱?
3. 句子构造 -- 流畅仍是艰涩难懂?
4. 辞汇 -- 是不是精确表白思想
5. 语法/标点/拼写 – 是不是有显著的过错?
My Special Day
Write a story about your special day. Tell and explain about three activities or events you did on that day.
Your writing will be judged:
What you have to say
How well you organize the way you write it
How clearly and effectively you express yourself.
注:这个先生是Year 5 的OC班先生。
Today I went to the school carnival. As I started to slowly walk into the bus, I chattered to my best friends behind me.
For minutes, we waited in the bus and talked to the excited classmates around us. Even I was so excited that I couldn’t wait for several minutes.
As soon as the bus stopped, we were instructed to quietly walk out and line up near the picnic area.
As I walked past the kind, bus driver, I thanked him politely while the others walked noisily past me. The kind-hearted teacher on duty encouraged me and I felt so pleased with myself.
Our class set up the mats at our house groups, and happily started playing card games.
As the fist event took place, many of the kindergarten children rushed up to the waiting area.
The event was organised by age groups from youngest to oldest.
Finally, the shot put was called. I made it into the finals and I excitedly dashed up to the shot –put area.
I scored five pint six metres and was extremely happly with the results.
As I finished the running events, I felt my heart beat quickly when I came first.
After the events, I went to the public canteen and bought sweets.
After five hours of extreme fun, it was time to g back to school.
I hoped that next year, we could have another exciting carnival..
主题是, three activities or events on a special day, 然而,从这篇文章中你无奈分明的看到三个主题。从“For minutes, we waited in the bus and talked to the excited classmates around us” 。。。 up to . “The event was organised by age groups from youngest to oldest.”一大段没有须要,根本上能够去掉,放在那里,哪怕写的再好,也不会得甚么分的。真实的activity 好象是从As the first event took placed 开始,从那当前,shot up and running, 以及后面的playing card games, 是否three activities之一呢? 十分不分明。
从这个文章中,段落也是很凌乱,读者无奈分明地看到要点组织。Introduction, body parts and conclusion/wrap up, 组织凌乱,一句成为了一个段落。
Shiver 1
My garden is no ordinary garden. It smells like an ordinary garden with floating fragrances of flowers and compost bins. My lounge is bright; my bedroom is light. But… my garden is no ordinary garden. In fact, my garden is spooky and cooky, shivering and quivering and savagely scary. It is in that spooky, cooky, shivering, quivering, savagely dark garden that extremely extraordinary things happen. The most extremely extraordinary thing that ever happens in my garden is… when my great grandfather’s treasure chest is opened!
优点 -- 这篇文章里的单词对比丰硕,觉得高于小学程度,每个句子构造不错,神韵教强。
缺陷 – 过于反复。相干单词沉积过量,多是过分强调rhythm而至(我不知道是否写诗?)。好比,spooky, cooky是相似的,shivering, quivering也是相似的,most extremely extraordinary thing, 也是夸大的沉积。my garden is no ordinary garden也是反复。写这个次要是为了让教师评神韵单词分吗?而下面我提过,辞汇只是写作给分的第四位因素。
“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man”, by Roger Beacon. 充沛阐明这一点。
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