



    2021-5-15 15:03:49 397 10



    为孩子们的假期,她给父母提了得多倡议:户外野餐,看日落,划船,约请敌人上家里来玩,种蔬菜,画四周环境的地图,到藏书楼借书,一同做风筝,一同做饼干或沙拉等等,她说最首要的是,一定要多和你的孩子谈话,谈话,谈话!(Most importantly…..TALK, TALK, TALK with your children. )

    Dear Parents,

    Now that the holidays are approaching, it’s time to think about keeping the children entertained. There are many activities you can do with your children which are inexpensive and good fun. You don’t need to entertain them every moment of every day, but if you plan a couple of special family activities with them, it helps to break the monotony as well as building relationships with them.
    Do you ever reflect on the experience of nature you had as a child? I often remember the activities that I did after school and on weekends. I spent a lot of my time on my bike riding around to friends and often we had street games of cricket. Games tended to centre on sport so if it was Olympic Games we would have lots of play around the Olympic events. Being footy fever time in Melbourne I would have expected to see lots of footy activities with parents having kick to kick in the park or backyard.
    Experiences outdoors involved camping, walking for miles on beaches, fishing, watching sunsets and looking at stars, growing vegetables, having our own chickens for fresh eggs and I even had a pet goat that followed me around like a dog. Have you taken the kids fishing lately or tried rollerblading or bike riding with them? What about yabbying or a picnic by the river, lake or beach? Had a barbecue in the bush recently?
    Take a picnic lunch to the local gardens and relax under the shady trees. Throw in the frisbee for some fun and games with them. Have you been out on a boat with them? Try canoeing or kayaking or a cruise on a paddle steamer. Or just lie on the banks of a river and watch the boats float by.
    Children today are more likely to play in their room, sit on the computer with computer games or watch television and videos all day. You can do some very simple activities with them on those rainy days when you are stuck inside. Consider these ideas: write or email a friend to come over and play; write a shopping list together; draw a map of the neighbourhood, your house or the way to Grandma’s; plant some seedlings; look at photo albums and tell stories about when you were a child; design, make and fly a kite; estimate, compare and count collections of things; visit the local library and borrow a book, or buy a new one to share; teach them to play hopscotch or a board game; ride a bike, throw a ball, kick the footy; cook some biscuits together or make a yu妹妹y fruit salad. Most importantly…..TALK, TALK, TALK with your children.

    Doncaster Gardens Primary School Every Child Matters


    mzxds 发表于 2021-5-15 14:36:45

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    koppera 地板

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    daodaodor 发表于 2021-5-15 14:56:44

    daodaodor 9#

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    3iii 发表于 2021-5-15 15:01:18

    3iii 10#

    2021-5-15 15:01:18

    Doncaster Gardens Primary School
    sisisi 发表于 2021-5-15 15:03:49

    sisisi 11#

    2021-5-15 15:03:49

    好有觉得的一句话啊。我后悔上周shopping centre的植物农场我没买下那几只生蛋小母鸡了。我怎么没早看到这个贴啊。


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