家庭年支出十四万以上得买, 集体七万以上, 否则会有SURCHARGE.
Private health Insurance premium是能够减税的,不外要取决于你在购买INSURANCE的时分曾经是REDUCED价钱,仍是没有REDUCE..假如是后者的话,是能够在报税的时分以一定的百分最近CLAIM. 并且不是以抵减INCOME,而是以REBATE TAX的方式..并且这个REBATE跟支出高下是彻底没无关系的
Private health inruance rebate can be claimed as:
a reduction in your private health insurance premium through the health insurer
a cash or cheque rebate from Medicare
a refundable tax offset at the end of the income year through your tax return, or
a combination of all the options – each for a different period during the year.
You can only claim the rebate under one method for each period - that is, if you have already received the rebate by way of a reduction in your premium through the health insurer or as a rebate from Medicare you cannot also claim a tax offset for the premiums paid for the same period. |