1。一种discipline,也就是说按期存一比钱到基金里来,好比说¥100 per month。一旦你设立按期 Direct Deposit 去某一个基金,你就不必去管了直到你的孩子要用这笔钱了。
2。税方面的益处 tax vehicle, 个别基金关于盈利要缴税,教育基金关于教育收入是不必缴税的。
Capital secure option:A diverse but relatively stable portfolio of cash and fixed interest investments.
Balanced option: A more diversified portfolio that includes shares, property, fixed interest and cash assets.
Diversified option: A higher risk, diversified portfolio that includes shares, property, fixed interest and cash assets.
High growth option. A diversified portfolio of Australian and global shares.
http://www.co妹妹bank.com.au/personal/financial-planning/investment-products/education-savings-plan/features.html |