钻研了下fairtrading 条款,没要求必需licensed plumber出report,只有本人测试过水龙头是water efficient就能了。并且只有求测试厨房和bathroom的冷水tap和showerhead。
The presence of the water efficiency measures needs to be noted on the ingoing Condition report for the premises. There is no requirement to provide a report from a plumber or the water supply authority certifying their existence. However, it may help to keep:
- invoices or file notes of work done
- receipts for any items bought
- packaging, warranties or instruction manuals.
If you are unsure if your existing taps and showerheads meet the required standards you could carry out a simple bucket and stop watch test to see if, when fully turned on, the flow rate is less than 9 litres in a minute. |