我筹备搬去以前出租给他人的house.租期6月份到期。想10月中旬搬过来,所以想让租客延到9月底。租客不想续合同,想就这么住上来。中介问咱们要不要发个no grounds termination. 让租客延到9月底。但若发这个文件,租客也可能提前搬走。请大家帮我看看是甚么意思。上面是中介的email:
I have spoken with the tenant. At this stage she does not want to renew the lease she wants to just continue on. Did you want me to issue a no grounds termination in June with a termination date towards the end of September for you, however if we do this they may move out earlier or they may stay till the very end. |