家具还留着 确实是最头痛的问题。
详细的流程 先给 abandon termination notice。 假如租客没有回应, 那lease 就算被terminate 掉了。 而后能力进一步处置租客的家具。家具处置完之后 能力再次出租你的房子。 详细处置形式RTA 网站写的很好了。
https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/Forms ... t-behind-fact-sheet
The tenancy agreement must be ended
The tenancy agreement must be ended before the lessor/agent can remove any goods and documents that are left by the tenant.
See the Ending a tenancy agreement fact sheet and Abandoned premises fact sheet for more information about ending agreements.
Personal documents left behind
Documents are defined in the Act to mean personal documents and money.
Personal documents such as passports, birth certificates, photographs and money found on the premises must be given to the tenant or the Public Trustee within seven days from the date the tenancy agreement was ended, or the documents were found.
Disposal of goods
After the tenancy agreement has ended, the lessor/agent may dispose of the goods left behind by the tenant where:
the total market value of the goods is less than $1500, or
storage of the goods would be unhealthy or unsafe, or
storage of the goods would cause their market value to be completely or substantially reduced, or
the cost of removing, storing and selling the goods would be greater than the amount raised in the sale of the goods.
If the goods do not fall into one of the above categories, the lessor/agent must store the goods for one month. If the goods are a moveable dwelling, the contents of a moveable dwelling, or other goods used in the occupation of a moveable dwelling, they must be stored for three months.
说瞎话 欠租2个月才让你知道,算是有点过了。。不外遇到这类租客是真心难处置的。。 小区经理从各方面要素都是强于普通中介的。。
有landlord insurance 能对比完善解决, 没有landlord insurance 根本就自求多福了。