如题,收到一个在路口10米内违章泊车的罚单,的确是不知道这个规则,只好认罚交钱了,而后明天收到信说:the offence carries demerit points and as you are the registered owner of the vehicle these points will be recorded against your licence. if you were not in charge of the viehicle at the time of offence, you must provide a statutory declaration telling us the name and details of the person responsible within 14 days from the date of this letter.if we don not receive your statutory declaration by that deadline, you will remain responsible for the offence and associated demerit points, and the penalty considered finalised。
求教我的了解是还会扣分对吗,问题是泊车人不是车主,我需求写份声名给jp签字而后再发给办公室吗,还会有甚么处分吗 |