发表于 2021-5-15 20:31:32
我家小哥的总结,小火伴写作思惟凌乱应该是通病,多写纷歧定能解决问题,掌握写作的根本思绪和构造是症结: I have been teaching Year 5 writing classes for about two months now, and I have seen some dramatic improvements in my students. The co妹妹on problem amongst younger writers is that they never approach their writing in a structured, focused way. They believe that they can just write whatever comes to their head, without necessarily planning or understanding what goes into an effective creative or persuasive piece. What my lessons aim to provide is a framework and foundation for students to consider in their approach to writing. I’m always careful not just what to do, but why my strategies are the most efficient and useful. |