The Subaru End of Financial year sale event is a great time to reward yourself with a new Subaru XV, Outback or Forester. With a bonus;
• 2 years free scheduled servicing2 and
两年收费颐养,价值$930, 送了这$930后,前5年颐养价钱和RAV4差未几了
• $500 Subaru Genuine Accessories
which includes a carpet mat set, cargo tray and cargo step panel
Available at participating Subaru Retailers on XV, Outback and Forester models sold between 1/6/20 – 30/6/20 and delivered by 30/6/20.
必需6月30号前delivery,那末阐明只能是现货了,所以大家赶快把,现货其实不多,能砍价多少就看本人的才能了。 |