LZ 的Primary address 在墨尔本, 然而在rural area 做 part time, 所以是在rural area 租房的, 请问这个房租能够作为work related expense 吗? 已经打过电话给salary package 公司, 他们说能够作为work related expense, 然而这2 天看了论坛里的帖子, 觉得好像又不成以。
Generally, a deduction is only allowable if you are travelling in the course of your employment duties. It would not be possible for you to claim the rental deduction as you are living away from home, not travelling.
Please refer to the ATO ID 2002/829 for guidance on the deductibility of acco妹妹odation, food and incidental expenses when a taxpayer is living away from home: