

    ATO to visit Box Hill restaurants, cafes and take-aways


    2021-5-12 00:42:36 286 5

    The Australian Taxation Office will be visiting restaurants, cafes and take-aways in Box Hill over the coming months as part of its ongoing and Australia-wide program of work with the café and restaurant industry.

    The program is aimed at protecting honest businesses from unfair competition. Honest businesses can face unfair tax competition when competitors don’t lodge, don’t report all of their income, pay cash wages without properly accounting for them or don’t contribute to super for their staff.

    Assistant Co妹妹issioner Michael Hardy said similar visits in Sydney and Adelaide had been well-received, with businesses keen to meet with the ATO to better understand their obligations as well as learn about available help and support.

    “We’ll be visiting around 150 vendors in the Box Hill central shopping precinct in October to talk about a range of topics including business registration, record-keeping, superannuation and lodgment,” Mr Hardy said.

    “Local business owners will also receive a letter from our staff explaining the program and inviting them to a town hall-style information session, where businesses can ask us any questions or provide feedback.”

    Restaurants, cafes and take-aways are a focus area for the ATO’s cash economy work. Mr Hardy said the program was a great way to let the co妹妹unity see what the ATO is doing and to let every business know that we are also talking with every one of their competitors.

    “So far we have met with over 500 cafés and restaurants in local co妹妹unity activities in Sydney and Adelaide,” Mr Hardy said.

    “The feedback we’ve gotten about the visits has been positive and in many cases we’ve been able to help businesses get back on track in terms of meeting their tax and super obligations.

    “Where taxpayers are unwilling to work with us or continue to cause us concern, we will undertake further investigation. In Sydney, for example, we have now moved to auditing businesses that did not want to work with us.”

    The cash and hidden economy is about honest businesses facing unfair tax competition. The ATO wants to help protect the honest businesses so it takes firm action on businesses that persist in engaging in unfair behaviour. Where a business feels they are facing unfair competition, they can report their concerns.


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