对于这个名目, 有无实现过的娃来讲说? 特别是外面提到的四个方面的内容, 通通都要找新的名目做一遍吗?仍是说能够以某一个内容为重点实现?
好比skill 和 Physical Recreation, 不少孩子始终都在学乐器, 玩球类加入各种竞赛, 坚持了N年的也很常见。 为了实现这个DUKEofED, 是否只有把正在做的报下来就能了?
我看中的是Adventurous Journey 和service。 让男孩子出去探个险, 倒是不错的(这个应该也是有有一些教训的小孩儿做少许的监管的吧?)。 Service让孩子出去做个义工, 对他来说也是很好的办事别人的体验。
Physical Recreation
Adventurous Journey
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14–25 year olds, regardless of their background
The Award is comprised of three levels each progressively more challenging
Bronze For those over 14 years old
Silver For those over 15 years old
Gold For those over 16 years old
Participants are required to complete four sections at each level: Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project