一个小店 30平,在小购物核心woolies 旁边,该续约了,这是中介的回复, 这意思是每一年跟cpi 2.1的涨幅吧? 该怎么样跟中介谈呢, 降房钱,仍是要求降些outgoing呢?
Thank you for your email and we apologise for the delay in not being in touch with you earlier.
You are correct that the current lease expires on 6th April 2020 and it provides for a further right of renewal for 5 years.
The Landlord is happy to provide an extension of lease on the same terms and conditions that exist subject to the rental being reviewed to the consumer price index which is currently +2.1% and for rental to be reviewed annually thereafter to CPI.
If you could kindly let us know at your convenience if these terms are acceptable and we can arrange for the extension of lease document to be prepared.
Yours faithfully,