我过后听了也是惊呆了,认为听错了。咱们去的是Sydney Children Hospital。我跟急诊室的医生反应,孩子吃了nurofen,一个多小时才奏效,并且马上温度又升下来了,可是nurofen根据阐明只能一天三次。而后这个医生说,panadol和nurofen能够同时吃,固然每种药都要按阐明吃,便可。
Is it safe to give paracetamol and ibuprofen together at the same time?
The quick answer is yes, you can. Paracetamol and ibuprofen do not react with each other to harm your child. The potential risk of using them both together is that you will get confused with how much you have given and then give your child too much.
Remember that:
Paracetamol can be given every 4-6 hours - MAXIMUM FOUR DOSES IN 24 HOURS
Ibuprofen can be given every 6-8 hours - MAXIMUM THREE DOSES IN 24 HOURS
网站链接:https://nightdr.com.au/blog/pare ... tamol-and-ibuprofen
娃吃的药确实得谨慎再谨慎,我感觉这个仍是存在一定争议的,假如不安心一定仍是要听医生的,按照本人孩子状况来。祝娃们健安康康 |