昨天下昼请求ADMIN任务, 是会计和ADMIN 混合型的,算是和专业无关的吧。 明天黄昏接到一公司的电话说曾经把我列到SHOURT LIST了,并发EMAIL问卷给我。 十个问题。其中有几个驾驭不许, 请大家顾问一下。
Some people say that the best way to learn is through our mistakes. Can you tell us about a
mistake that you made, either at work or personal, which taught you a significant lesson?
这个是不是圈套问题啊? 要是面试提出来的应该是圈套吧,可这是书面的呀。 有点拿不许。
What type of people do you think you work best with?
What values do you admire most in your favourite Company ?
FAVOURITE 要写甚么样的公司才好呢?要是我写要请求的这个公司是否有点拍马屁的嫌疑呢?这可不是甚么著名的大公司。 |