

    好费事:辞工仍是死耗,是不是可请求sickness payment


    2021-5-16 11:22:04 737 12

    上周三,老公得急病住院,估量本周五能力入院,手术后得知 3 个月不克不及任务。
    老公在目前的公司 only 1年。sick leave run out.
    Please advise if he should:
    辞工? Dont think his boss will keep the job for him  for  3 months.  Can his job sack him?
    是不是可请求sickness payment


    Eleven 发表于 2021-5-16 10:43:19

    Eleven 沙发

    2021-5-16 10:43:19

    先用annual leave
    426 发表于 2021-5-16 10:47:34

    426 板凳

    2021-5-16 10:47:34

    详细要看你老公现在在签合同的时分package外面的sickness payment是多久的,不外能够先用annual leave 劳动1个月
    yjq 发表于 2021-5-16 10:51:50

    yjq 地板

    2021-5-16 10:51:50

    查一下公司的POOLICY,得多大公司都有LEAVE WITHOUT PAY一说。
    maxwoo 发表于 2021-5-16 10:55:48

    maxwoo 5#

    2021-5-16 10:55:48

    四方木 发表于 2021-5-16 10:59:34

    四方木 6#

    2021-5-16 10:59:34

    thanks all. I think i only can wait my hubby back home then we can go to his company together regarding to this. In case, he could not stay in this company any more, We will have  find other ways.
    黑暗天使 发表于 2021-5-16 11:02:52

    黑暗天使 7#

    2021-5-16 11:02:52

    good luck to LZ!
    Cyan 发表于 2021-5-16 11:05:40

    Cyan 8#

    2021-5-16 11:05:40

    lz说的请求sickness payment,是否要向centralink请求的阿谁?

    sickness payment不是那末容易,好像还要看你有无银行贷款甚么的。
    DarkRaven 发表于 2021-5-16 11:08:48

    DarkRaven 9#

    2021-5-16 11:08:48

    good luck1~
    chkcat 发表于 2021-5-16 11:13:09

    chkcat 10#

    2021-5-16 11:13:09

    给你出个主张,拿annual leave with half pay, 这样你就可以有2个月劳动,而后就看身材怎样,好一点就能下班。这年代任务欠好找,不要等闲丢了。。。
    vajrahara 发表于 2021-5-16 11:17:05

    vajrahara 11#

    2021-5-16 11:17:05

    不外,假如他公司能够提前用下年的annual leave,你就没有问题了。 我单位只有你任务一天,你就能提前用一年的leave
    billham 发表于 2021-5-16 11:20:57

    billham 12#

    2021-5-16 11:20:57

    He can take annual leave first then use leave without pay if he wants to return to the company. Good luck!
    东北虎 发表于 2021-5-16 11:22:04

    东北虎 13#

    2021-5-16 11:22:04

    老公本人把任务辞掉了。he wants to relax and recovery better.
    About sickness paymetn:
    病院给了表格 for sickness payment including application form, income@asset test form and medical report . 特别费事。的确要看银行贷款。看来,我must pay all the outstanding bills then show centre link the  balance.  two car regos and one insurance. 并且,还要申报,家里有how many cars, boat...
    I think Centrelink may let us sell our boat than give us  the sickness payment.

    没有抱多大但愿,try 一下吧〉


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