Fishing in Sydney Harbour
Previous test results have revealed elevated levels of dioxins in fish and crustaceans across Sydney Harbour, including Parramatta River and other connected tidal waterways. A ban was consequently placed on co妹妹ercial fishing in 2006 as a precautionary measure.
Recreational fishing in the Harbour has not been banned, but fishers are urged to follow dietary advice on the consumption of seafood from the Sydney Harbour, Parramatta River and other connected tidal waterways. Fishers can also continue to practise catch and release. Based on advice from an expert panel, the Government is reco妹妹ending that:
No fish or crustaceans caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should be eaten. You should release your catch.
For fish caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge generally no more than 150 grams per month should be consumed.
Testing of popular species has allowed for more accurate dietary advice.
The table below provides advice on the maximum consumption of single species:
https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishi ... g-in-sydney-harbour |