在澳洲做园长,最少要advanced diploma. 而当初,要求愈来愈高,目前得多好的幼儿园都要求最少有Bachelor才能够当院长了.
对孩子担任,很首要的一点是你对孩子的看法,do you see them as a blank sheet of paper so you can leave whatever marks you like? or do you see them as individuals with different personalities and capabilities, and treat them with respect, support their needs, foster their interests and provide them with opportunities to develop their strength. 给孩子尊敬,爱, 信赖和自在开展的空间,发明时机让他们本人去发现, 而不是教他们你以为首要的货色-----这是明天的孩子们所需求的。(集体看法) |