The ratewas 6.29% from 23rd Dec, but please see the 16th Jan20十二.
Thebalance is $349976.55. On February 14th , the loan rate was keepingon 6.29%. The interest was not changing during the period.
So I canwork out as
Earlyrepayment before 14th Feb 20十二 as followed
10thFeb 20十二 500*6.29%/366*4=.3437
10thFeb 20十二 544.15*6.29%/366*4=.3741
3rdFeb 20十二 544.15*6.29%/366*十一=1.02868
27thJan 20十二 544.15*6.29%/366*18=1.6833
20thJan 20十二 558.63*6.29%/366*25=2.4001
So theearly repayment interest should be 5.82998
So Ineed to pay the interest 1744.24-5.82998=1738.41
Pleasecorrect me if I am wrong. why the figure is equal to1743.17 shown on the statement?
[ 本帖最初由 helnandez 于 20十二-2-27 10:43 编纂 ] |