The Winter Energy Concession on gas provides concession card holders with a discount of 17.5 per cent off mains gas bills from 1 May to 31 October of each year.
From 1 July 20十二 the concession will not apply to the first $62.40 of a concession card holder’s winter gas bill.
This change has been made because the Co妹妹onwealth Government is introducing a carbon price. Given the Co妹妹onwealth Government is on average providing full compensation to households for the impact of the carbon price on energy bills, the concession on that component of these bills is unnecessary.
The Co妹妹onwealth Government estimates that the new carbon price will increase gas bills by 9 per cent. In dollar terms this equates to an average of $1.50 per week or $78 per annum.
The amount of $62.40 is worked out based on the winter usage of approximately 80 per cent of gas costs.
第二段能够了解为从往年7月1日期,concession卡持有者,能够罢黜首个$62.4的煤气费么? 英文欠好,求高手指点! |