我ssh登录Mac, 运转 /usr/sbin/screencapture 怎么报错呢。
求教大家,怎么抓屏。 谢谢了。
My-MacBook-Air:~ ericgao$ ps -ef | grep login
0 十一1 1 0 Wed十一am ?? 0:00.21 /System/Library/CoreServices/logind
501 十二9 1 0 Wed十一am ?? 0:48.26 /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow console
501 10649 10628 0 8:59pm ttys000 0:00.01 grep login
My-MacBook-Air:~ ericgao$ /usr/sbin/screencapture /Volumes/test
screencapture: cannot write file to intended destination
My-MacBook-Air:~ ericgao$
My-MacBook-Air:~ ericgao$ sudo launchctl bsexec 十二9 screencapture /Volumes/test
screencapture: cannot write file to intended destination
My-MacBook-Air:~ ericgao$
总是提醒 cannot write file to intended destination, /Volumes/test 目录设的777, 谁都能写。