本人pr 9 年,现在打算入籍,之前每年都有回国,基本控制在每年3个月以内。17年有一次是半年。 最近一年都没有回国。今天尝试了一下在线提交发现要到明年5月符合提交申请。
请问,是否通过Ministerial discretion把这个residence requirement 豁免掉现在提交申请??
If you were the spouse or de facto partner, or surviving spouse or de facto partner, of an Australian citizen at the time of your application for citizenship and
you had spent time outside Australia while a permanent resident,
you were the spouse or de facto partner of the Australian citizen during that period, and
you had a close and continuing association with Australia during that period,
the Minister may treat that period as one in which you were present in Australia as a permanent resident.
If, at the time you applied for citizenship, you held a permanent visa granted to you because you were in an interdependent relationship with an Australian citizen and you were in that interdependent relationship, and
you had spent time outside Australia while you held that visa as a permanent resident, and
you were in the interdependent relationship with the Australian citizen during that period, and
you had a close and continuing association with Australia during that period,
the Minister may treat that period as one in which you were present in Australia as a permanent resident.
ps: 老婆是澳籍) |