读了一下移民局的RETURN VISA的要求,假如要再续五年,有三个选择,其中五年住两年是不合乎的,第二个也不合乎,由于没有和澳洲无关系的事件,第三个选择是:If your last departure from Australia was not as an Australian permanent resident or Australian citizen, you must have been an Australian citizen, or an Australian permanent resident, less than 10 years before the application, and you must not have been absent from Australia for a total period of more than five years since last departing as an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident unless there are compelling reasons for the absence.
敌人在激活PR签证时到过澳洲,起初就没有到过澳洲,假如他在PR期满签请求一个其余的签证到澳洲一趟,是不是就合乎下面的规则呢了? |