Where can I go? With ticketed soirees and invite-only lunches rolling out from Kirribilli to Mrs Macquaries Chair, not all parks and viewing spots are free to access. The navy has listed some 50 viewing areas on its website. These are some of the top vantage points, which are open from 6am–10pm:
•Observatory Hill Park, the Rocks: Capacity 8000 people, 20 portaloos, accessible toilets. Glass and alcohol prohibited.
•Embarkation Park, Potts Point: Capacity 1500. Toilets and accessible facilities. Managed access from 1pm, glass and alcohol prohibited.
•Bicentennial Park, Annandale: Capacity 8000. 20+ toilets, accessible facilities. No BYO glass or alcohol.
•Pirrama Park, Pyrmont: Capacity 8000. Glass prohibited, BYO alcohol permitted. Toilets and accessible facilities.
•Giba Park, Pyrmont Accessible by elevator, capacity 500. Glass and alcohol prohibited. Toilets and accessible facilities.
•Beare Park, Elizabeth Bay Capacity 1000, limited parking. No BYO alcohol or glass permitted.
•Arthur McElhone Reserve, Elizabeth Bay Capacity 200. No BYO alcohol or glass permitted.
•Clyne Reserve, Millers Point Capacity 200. No BYO alcohol or glass permitted.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/intern ... .html#ixzz2gidvNEaV |