-4 years lawful residence in Australia. This period must include 十二 months as a permanent resident i妹妹ediately before making an application for Australian citizenship
-absences from Australia of no more than 十二 months in total in the 4 years prior to application, including not more than 90 days in the 十二 months i妹妹ediately prior to application.
我06年拿的PR,08年能够入籍然而保持了,之后始终在国际,比来在请求RRV。想请哪位相熟新入籍政策的敌人解释一下新政第二条,假如RRV无效期是20十一-2016,如果我2013年回澳洲且能够住满一年,按照第二条是否不克不及住满当即请求?由于2013年的前四年曾经离境超过十二个月,假如是这样我要怎么做能力知足新的入籍规则?从新住满4年? |