

    商场想提前发出咱们店铺 怎么操作


    2022-5-14 12:23:51 2347 9

    应该是找大品牌入驻要提前发出咱们店铺  给咱们relocation的点都是渣滓 这样咱们是不是能够向商场要求补偿 毕竟还有1年多的租约 有无人遇到这样的状况 要多少抵偿金?


    zty231 发表于 2022-5-14 11:03:38

    zty231 沙发

    2022-5-14 11:03:38

    你什麼店 店多大 要說阿
    zhengwei7366 发表于 2022-5-14 11:17:21

    zhengwei7366 板凳

    2022-5-14 11:17:21

    你需求查看lease 里的详细条款, 个别来讲,房主能够无前提强迫你搬到商场其余地位,固然房钱和店铺大小要与原店铺统一。抵偿金是没有的,你要末承受新店地位要末当初解约。
    chinamaotou 发表于 2022-5-14 11:30:13

    chinamaotou 地板

    2022-5-14 11:30:13

    dcjjilu 发表于 2022-5-14 11:38:16

    dcjjilu 5#

    2022-5-14 11:38:16

    那这不是霸王条款嘛 商场想干吗就干吗  租客提前解约都要赔一分不少 商场想让你走就走 那谁还敢开呀
    llw0930 发表于 2022-5-14 11:42:33

    llw0930 6#

    2022-5-14 11:42:33

    我也想呀  条件是要赔钱呀  租约5年还剩一年多  当初是他们想咱们搬又不是我被动想走 装修费用这些 还有污七八糟的费用算上去也是一堆钱呀
    rm0010678 发表于 2022-5-14 11:54:14

    rm0010678 7#

    2022-5-14 11:54:14

    以前疫情欠好求着大家租店 疫情一过赶人走由于能租好价钱  这还有王法吗
    felixbaggio 发表于 2022-5-14 12:02:26

    felixbaggio 8#

    2022-5-14 12:02:26

    你不必赔钱,你只有不赞成商场给你新的地位,你即可以提前完结合约,而且不必交最初一年的房钱,bank guarantee也能全数拿回来。 这个条款是政府订的,商场只是自动添加到合约里。
    wbyp4rx 发表于 2022-5-14 12:11:15

    wbyp4rx 9#

    2022-5-14 12:11:15

    问题是假如提前完结那我不是亏了 自身店还能够 我确定不要赔钱 商家要赔给我吧  政府不维护租客吗
    路上飞 发表于 2022-5-14 12:23:51

    路上飞 10#

    2022-5-14 12:23:51


    Retail Legislation
    The retail legislation is State-based, so the prescribed relocation provisions will depend on which state the premises is located in.

    In New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Australian Capital Territory, the landlord may not relocate a tenant until it has complied with the following:

    provide three months’ notice in writing with details of the proposed refurbishment, redevelopment sufficient that illustrates it is a proposal that cannot be carried out without vacant possession of the shop; and

    offer a lease for the remaining term of the existing lease on the same terms adjusted to factor into account the difference in the co妹妹ercial values of the current retail shop and the alternative shop premises at the time of relocation.

    the tenant has a right to terminate the lease within one month of receiving the relocation notice by giving notice of termination in writing to the landlord in which case, the agreed lease is terminated three months after the notice of relocation unless the parties agree otherwise. If the tenant fails to give a termination notice, the tenant is taken to have accepted the offer of relocation unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

    statutory compensation includes payment for the reasonable costs of fit out and legal costs.


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