此次更新,NOC将引入16个合乎Express Entry资历的职业:
1 薪资办理员(Payroll administrators)
2 牙科助理和牙科试验室助理(Dental assistants and dental laboratory)
3 护士助手、护理人员和患者办事人员(Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates)
4 药房技术助理和药房助理(Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants)
5 中小学老师助理(Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
6 治安官和法警(Sheriffs and bailiffs)
7 惩教办事官(Correctional service officers)
8 市政执法员和其余监管员(By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers)
9 美容师、电蚀师和相干职业(Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations)
10 住宅和商业装置员和办事员(Residential and co妹妹ercial installers and servicers)
十一 益虫管制员和薰蒸员(Pest controllers and fumigators)
十二 其余培修员和办事员(Other repairers and servicers)
13 运输卡车司机(Transport truck drivers)
14 公交司机、地铁操作员和其余交通操作员(Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators)
15 重型装备操作员(Heavy equipment operators; and)
16 飞机拆卸工和飞机拆卸检修员(Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors)
1 其余扮演者(other performers)
2 文娱、静止和健身方面的名目担任人和教练(program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness)
3 裁缝、女装裁缝、毛皮裁缝和女帽裁缝(tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners)
另外,2021年版NOC还将目前的5类零碎(NOC 0 A B C D),改为新的6类零碎(TEER 0-5)。新零碎概述了进入每个职业所需的培训、教育、教训和责任(TEER)程度。