Wedding vows are made openly and publicly within the ceremony and are an important part of the ceremony.
You can chose to have traditional vows or write your own that are a deep reflection of the love and passion you feel for each other, remembering that these promises you make to one another will be carried into your future together.
Vows are very personal so it is important when choosing or writing your vows that they are meaningful to you both as a couple
There is no reason that both parties have to say the same thing and they may carry humour or the deepest sense of co妹妹itment and responsibility to one another.
They may be as long or as short as you wish; just make sure they are sincere and passionate and that they are treasured words shared with all your closest family and friends.
It is totally up to you and should reflect the very essence of you and your expectations you hold for your future together as life long partners.
I Mark,
affirm my love to you Sara,
as I invite you to share my life.
I promise always to respect your needs.
I will endeavour through kindness, unselfishness and trust,
to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to.
To this end I call upon all present to witness,
that I take you Sara, to be my lawful wife,
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better or for worse,
For richer or for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
While we both shall live.
Bride repeats.
I Christopher take you Belinda, as my wife,
I pledge to share my life openly with you,
To speak the truth to you in love,
I promise to honour and tenderly care for you,
To cherish and encourage your own fulfillment as an individual,
For the rest of my life.
I Belinda take you Christopher, as my husband,
I promise to share my life openly with you
And speak the truth to you in love,
I promise to honour and tenderly care for you,
To encourage your own fulfillment as an individual,
And to cherish you,
For the rest of our life together.
[ 本帖最初由 jimple 于 20十二-5-4 十二:47 编纂 ] |